Our speaker in February is well-known retired airline pilot Richard Poad. In 1993 he was one of the founders of Maidenhead Heritage Centre and has become known as Maidenhead ‘Mr Heritage’. His talk will chart film making in the area from the pre-war years to the present day, when of necessity it has to stray into television as well. Lots of film clips will prompt lots of nostalgic memories.
When he’s not doing heritage things, Richard escapes to his garden or his narrow boat which he keeps on the Thames at Cookham Dean.
This talk will be held as usual at the Desborough Bowling Club at 10 Green Lane, Maidenhead SL6 1XZ and will start at our normal time of 2.30pm promptly. Please aim to arrive between 2.00 and 2.15pm. To avoid problems with parking, please share rides if possible. You may park in the spaces for buses. The car park is well lit and has plenty of spaces. PLEASE NOTE THAT OUR USE OF THE BOWLING CLUB IS UNDER REVIEW AND MAY NEED TO CHANGE FOR THE MARCH MEETING – MORE INFORMATION IN THE MARCH NEWSLETTER.
Prospective or non-members who would like to attend the talk as a u3a ‘sample’ should please first contact the Chairman and Membership Secretary, Maggie Kearney, on 01628 637 160 or membership@maidenheadu3a.org.uk.
If you have any comments before or after the meeting, or suggestions for talks, please contact Speaker Organiser, Philip Ratcliffe, on speakers@maidenheadu3a.org.uk