Our Committee for 2024-25 was voted in at the AGM convened on 9th April, 2024
We also welcome members who may not wish to commit to an officer position but are able to assist on an as-needed basis. (e.g. Convenor's Party, Christmas Party, Newsletter production and more).
Any member of Maidenhead u3a is welcome to participate in a monthly committee meeting to discover how our organisation operates.
Our 2024-25 committee is as follows...
Chairman (Maggie Kearney)
Maggie has been a member of Maidenhead u3a since 2017 and was the Membership Secretary since 2021. As Chairman, Maggie hopes to continue the Committee's support of all members of Maidenhead u3a and encourage us all to 'learn, laugh and live' to the full.
Speaker (Philip Ratcliffe)
This is Philip’s seventh year of office. Philip has responsibility for lining up speakers for our monthly meetings. More popular speakers have very busy schedules and have to be booked many weeks in advance. Many of our speakers are booked following recommendations from our members.
Philip retired from working as an internal auditor in large companies and currently enjoys organising Maidenhead u3a monthly talks. Otherwise he is to be found playing his violin with friends and in the local symphony orchestra.
Membership Secretary (Jennie MacLeod)
Jennie is new to our 2024 Committee and looks forward to working with Maggie and the team, and meeting new members.
Groups Coordinator (Jenny Alder)
This is Jenny's second year on the Committee. She was previously our TVN representative.
Secretary (Janet Rose)
This is Janet’s fourth year as Secretary. Janet has been with the u3a for 10 years.
Publicity (Sheila White)
Sheila joined Maidenhead u3a in 2020 and is new to the committee in 2024.