
Your annual subscription is due on the 1st January 2025 and basic membership remains at £16 (per person) for the whole year. If you require newsletters printing and posting to you, a supplement of £12 is required. 


  • Single member – £16

  • Associate members (those who pay the full fee to another u3a branch) – £12.20

  • Newsletter printed and posted to your address – £12

Hence, if you are a single member your options are:-

  1. £16 membership only;
  2. £28 membership, printing and postage;

If you are able to pay by standing order this will help reduce the time we all spend in the administration of your subscription each year. The good news is that once set up, future renewals will be automatic. Thank you if you have already signed up to our Gift Aid Scheme. The money we receive back from HMRC (currently 25% of your subscriptions) goes towards the benefits our members receive. If you are not signed up to this scheme, but are a taxpayer and wish to do so, please tick the box at the end of the form.

u3a Membership Secretary, 7 Lockmead, Maidenhead SL6 8HF 

Renewal Form