
Our Committee for 2023-24 was voted in at the AGM convened on 11th April, 2023.

We also welcome members who may not wish to commit to an officer position but are able to assist on an as-needed basis. (e.g. Convenor’s Party, Christmas Party, Newsletter production and more). 

Any member of Maidenhead u3a is welcome to participate in a monthly committee meeting to discover how our organisation operates.

Our 2023-24 committee is as follows…

Chairman  (John Twydle)

This is John’s sixth year of office and third year as Chairman. John was previously our Treasurer for 3 years and remains Convenor for the Science and Walking Groups.

Contact Chairman


Treasurer (Linda Main)

This is Linda’s third year on the Committee and third year as Treasurer. Linda was previously Membership Secretary.surer.

Contact Treasurer 



Membership Secretary (Maggie Kearney)

This is Maggie’s third year as Membership Secretary. Contact Maggie if you wish to join our u3a or click on Join Us to access an Application Form.

Contact Membership Secretary


Secretary (Janet Rose)

This is Janet’s third year as Secretary. Janet has been with the u3a for 9 years.

Contact Secretary


Speaker Organiser (Philip Ratcliffe)

This is Philip’s sixth year of office. Philip has responsibility for lining up speakers for our monthly meetings. More popular speakers have very busy schedules and have to be booked many weeks in advance. Many of our speakers are booked following recommendations from our members. 

Contact Speaker Organiser


Group Coordinator and Vice Chairman (Kathy Bell)

This is Kathy’s fourth year as Group Coordinator.  Kathy is always keen to hear from anyone wishing to set up a new group in addition to assisting with the smooth running of established Groups.

Contact Group Co-Ordinator



Beacon Co-ordinator (Pat Laković)

Pat was a former member of the committee working on our newsletter and the recently revised constitution.  She retains the overall responsibility for our Beacon site.  Beacon is the Third Age Trust site that allows us to manage our membership data.  



Newsletter (Nuala Smith & Jack Kerbel)

Nuala and Jack have responsibility for gathering monthly updates from Group Convenors, TVN Representative and other contributors. Once the Newsletter is assembled, edited and reviewed they have the responsibility for distribution via email and post.


TVN Representative (Jenny Alder)

Jenny attends TVN (Thames Valley Network) meetings to represent the interests of Maidenhead u3a. In addition, Jenny brings news of TVN events to our attention so that they can be communicated to our members via the Newsletter and the website. Jenny will be able to address questions regarding the function of and activities of TVN.

Contact TVN Representative