3rd Tuesday
14:30 to 16:30
Member's Home
We meet one afternoon each month to listen to classical music on CDs or sometimes from the internet. No special musical knowledge is required. We all know what we like and by sharing our tastes we extend our personal repertoires and our knowledge of music. Those members who are willing take it in turn to present the afternoon’s programme. It may be the music of one or a group of composers; or it may have a theme – music about the sea or nature for example. Everyone is encouraged to do one presentation a year – they learn a lot in the process – but this is definitely not intended to be a barrier to membership. Some people just come to listen. Occasionally we have a ‘Bring Your Own’ afternoon when everyone brings one or two pieces to play. From time to time also we invite local musicians to come and tell us about their instruments and to play some pieces for us.
Members who are able take it in turn to host the meetings and to provide tea for a nominal contribution. This limits the size of the group to 12.