
3rd Thursday
14:15 to 16:30
Member's Home
Please check for vacancies


The Science group meets monthly to listen to presentations by group members (or the occasional guest speaker) followed by lively discussions on the issues raised.

Our members consist of retired scientists, engineers, teachers and others who have a real interest in how science is seen by the public today. The emphasis is on participation and everyone in the Group takes a turn in introducing a topic that they have prepared.

The subjects we have discussed in the past have ranged from global warming, geology, DNA, cryogenics, time, aerospace and many other varied topics. However, we welcome suggestions for new topics, particularly in the life sciences and current areas of scientific research.

On occasions in the summer, we visit places of scientific interest such as the Oxford museums, The Royal Society and the Science Museum in London.

We do not have a fixed venue but rely on the generosity of our members to host our meeting at houses where it is possible to seat about 15 people.

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