How to Join
If you are thinking about joining Maidenhead u3a and would like more information, please contact our Membership Secretary by clicking here or by calling (01628) 530437.
Visitors are very welcome at our meetings, but for insurance reasons, only two “taster sessions” are allowed prior to joining.
If you are ready to join simply:
- Open the Application Form
- Download
- Complete
- Send, with your remittance, to the address shown in the form
If you do not have access to a printer our Membership Secretary will be pleased to send you an Application Form.
Subscriptions are paid annually, and for 2018, the fee is £16 per person (£8 if you join after 1st July).
Most members like to receive the monthly Newsletter by email but if you wish to receive it by post there is an additional fee of £10 per household (£5 if you join after 1st July).