This is a message sent via Thames Valley Alert. This information has been sent on behalf of Thames Valley Police
Hi Jeff
I walk the dogs on a daily basis to either Kidwells Park, or Braywick.
On numerous occasions, there are groups of teenagers at the Skate Park in Kidwells Park, clearly flouting the stay at home message.
At Braywick, I have seen the same group of around 6 teenagers playing football. When I approached them, amongst the vile abuse I received, they tried to tell me they were from the same household. I clearly doubted that, as they were the all approximately the same age and of different ethnic origins.
Another day, an elderly chap remonstrated with them and again, he got a hurl of abuse. On both occasions, they disbursed after the ‘chat’.
Can the skate park be taped off ? At least it would be a deterrent. And can someone patrol Braywick.
Thanks Mike, I have passed this through to the local Neighbourhood Team and the RBWM Community Wardens for a resolution. I am sure both areas will now be added to patrol plans. If you know of other areas where people are congregating, please let me know. The skate Park in Windsor is completely locked up – but it has a high fence around it.
NEXT: From Cllr Jon Davey in Dedworth:
Today I went for a walk around the ward and the one thing that shone out was the number of cars driving around… there were too many! #StaySafeStayAtHome
This was confirmed by Shakil the posty. He agreed, he’d seen too many cars on the road and appealed for people to #StaySafeStayAtHome
Sid and I started down Sutherland Grange, I asked @RBWMSupport and @Donna_Stimson, if we will be closing the dog poo bin – that apparently, not going to happen, so please, use a poo bag over your hand, to open these bins.
Then I spotted a tree fallen across the river and tweeted to @RBWMSupport @WindsorRaces to advise them, over to the racecourse, to sort that out.
I don’t usually exit via the Smith’s Lane exit and was a little taken aback, by the big hole, where I’m sure there was fencing? Anyway, reported to Parks and they’ll have someone take a look at it.
Walked up Smith’s Lane, thank you Dedworth School for your banners, looks fab and most inspiring for people walking past, well done 😉
A lot of the newly planted young trees, seems to be lacking water. Many new trees have been planted but how are we looking after them? Have asked the tree officer, how we help the trees get established. If you have one planted outside your house, can you assist and keep them alive by watering them during this warm spell ?
After meeting Shakil, I bumped into an RBWM crew, fixing the curb stones on Wolf Lane… lots of space to get this sort of task done at the moment.
Walking along the pavements, people are still parking right overt them, especially near lampposts, preventing a double buggy getting through safely… please park considerately 😉
Last word: #StaySafeStayAtHome
Cllr Jon Davey
I wish all our exercise walks were as productive. Please remember – like Jon – to pass on anything that needs fixing !
Link to Jon’s website:
NEXT: Dog owners
Hi Jeff
I and my wife were out walking from home this morning for our daily exercise.
A dog walker approached us, down a lane without paths. He decided to cross from the opposite side of the lane, to the side we were walking along, with his dog some three metres in front him, on an extending lead. We had to move to the opposite side and as we passed, I asked if he could please keep his dog at two metres from us.
I was told to ‘Shut up”.
I called back that dog fur, was a potential means of transmitting the virus and we were then told to, ‘Go away’, but not using those words !
As we walked away, he shouted further abuse at us, although I didn’t catch the detail.
A few yards further on another dog owner,, allowed his pet, to run up and make contact with my wife’s clothing !
There doesn’t yet seem to be a consistent government message, re pet owners in the Uk. However, the US Heath authorities, are advising:
Treat pets, as you would other human family members – do not let pets interact with people or other animals outside the household.
If a person inside the household becomes sick, isolate that person from everyone else, including pets.
If this is a time for extreme caution, shouldn’t there be some clearer guidance and advice for UK pet owners.
I couldn’t agree more and have already put out several warnings about contact with pet fur – both cats and dogs.
Pet owners, seem to feel that letting their dogs meet and play with other dogs in parks / people stroking cats they meet in the street – is absolutely fine – but – you have no idea whether those pets, come from an infected household, and could therefore bring it back to your own on their fur, or your hands.
They seem to think that because it has been said that pets cannot ‘catch’ the virus, they are safe, but no-one has said they cannot become a vector and carry the virus on their fur, paws or any coat they have on !!!
Can all pet owners to be more considerate and cautious. As we are told, whenever we are out, we should treat, protect and distance ourselves from others, as if we have the virus. That will keep us all safe.
Good morning Jeff,
Hope you’re well in these strange times.
I received the below in my inbox this morning.
Thought you may want to warn everyone of another scam.
Best wishes
It was an email from BT Broadband to say someone had tried to access their internet. Could he please click on the link to verify all his details and passwords !!!
As I hope everyone is aware, despite the pandemic, we are still dealing with crime and will act on crime reports !!
Due to the number of calls being received on the 101 number, the police would like all those reporting breaches of the self isolating restrictions, to do so online at:-
I am still receiving reports, of neighbours breaching the social distancing guidelines. Children / relatives, driving to see other family members / parents. If people live in separate households, this must not happen as that could spread the virus from one location to another. If this is you ! Please do not put your neighbours in the position of having to report you to the authorities !!
There is a lot of additional Corona Virus information there, as well as answers to frequently asked questions – such as:
Frequently asked questions
- What is classed as a reasonable excuse to leave the home?
- Which shops and business are closed?
- Where am I able to go for my daily exercise and who can I exercise with?
- My MOT has run out, what should I do?
- Can I attend a family member’s funeral?
- Where do I report large groups of people gathering?
- How will the police know who to pull over or stop?
- Can I still call 101 to report a crime?
- Are police stations still open?
- I’m concerned about frauds and cyber-crimes relating to Coronavirus. What should I do?
Further information, support and advice about Coronavirus can be found at these websites:-
How to avoid catching or spreading germs and when to seek medical help:-
Daily updates, signs and symptoms, current risk level:-
Mental health support and advice:-
Free support and advise for victims of crime:-
Report cyber-crime, fraud and scams:-
The strict Guidelines are all laid out on the TVP website Frequently Asked Questions at the above link.
Eyes and ears …….. and brain
Jeffrey Pick