We are lucky that distinguished Professor Malcolm MacCallum has agreed to give the talkinAugustwhen he will address ‘Black Holes and Other Wonders in Space’.
Back in May, we had Roland Pease fascinating us with the story of the James Webb SpaceTelescope. Professor MacCallum will follow up this astronomical theme by telling us all about the phenomenonofblack holes deep in space and at the centre of our galaxy, and similar items known as ’compact objects’.Stars eventually collapse under their own weight, leaving large masses in small volumes (compactobjects). The most extreme of the residues of these collapses are black holes, fromwhichnothing, even light, can escape. New scientific techniques have dramatically improved our knowledgeof blackholes, winning Nobel prizes in 2017 and 2020 as Professor MacCallum will explain to us.
The professor has an MA and PhD fromCambridge, wherehewas a Fellow of King’s College in 1970-76. From1976-2009hetaught at Queen Mary University of London, eventuallybecoming Vice-Principal for Science and Engineering. Hehasheld visiting positions in Berkeley, Catania, Paris, NewYork, Melbourne and Jena. From 2009 to 2012 he was Directorofthe Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research in theUniversity of Bristol.
His academic interests are mainly in gravitationtheory, particularly general relativity theory and its applicationsincosmology, black holes and gravitational waves; and in computer algebra. He was President of theInternational Society on General Relativity and Gravitation in 2010-2013.
The talk will be held at the Desborough Bowling Club at 10 Green Lane, Maidenhead SL61XZ. Pleaseaim to arrive between 2.00 and 2.15pm. To avoid problems with parking, please shareridesifpossible. You may park in the spaces for buses. If the bowling club car park is full, youcanparkin front of Lidl or Homebase which are a short walk away for up to two hours, ideallyhavingmade a purchase.
Prospective or non-members who would like to attend the talk as a u3a ‘sample’ shouldpleasefirstcontact the Membership Secretary, Maggie Kearney, on 01628 637 160 or membership@maidenheadu3a.org.uk.
If you have any comments before or after the meeting, or suggestions for talks, please contact SpeakerOrganiser, Philip Ratcliffe, on speakers@maidenheadu3a.org.uk