Booking Clerk/Sunnyside
Wallingford OX10 6LZ
United Kingdom

This activities day is celebrating the many U3A groups in our area who enjoy playing the ukulele and giving them an opportunity to enjoy sharing the creation of music with their colleagues.
The TVN is fortunate in having Andy Carter for the leader and tutor on this day. Andy started playing the guitar in 1963, when he set up his own group in school. He continued playing in rock and pop bands in the ‘70s and joined a showband called “The Cockatoos” who travelled around the world, entertaining the troops. In 2011 he took up the ukulele, playing with a group in Haddenham and then he set up a beginners group in Aylesbury Vale U3A. A recent gig with the “Blue Moons” raised an impressive amount for charity.
Provisional Programme for the day
10.00 Registration, coffee & tea
10.30 Introduction and welcome
10.35 Group A – High Wycombe
10.55 Group B – Bicester
11.15 Group C – Bourne End
11.35 BREAK
11.50 Teaching Session 1 – Andy Carter 12.15 Group D – Chess Valley
12.35 Group E – Wokingham
12.55 LUNCH
13.55 Introduction to the afternoon
14.00 Teaching session 2 – Andy Carter 14.25 Group F – Milton Keynes
14.45 Group G – Aylesbury Vale
15.05 BREAK
15.20 Thrash
15.45 End of Programme
The cost of the day is £9 per person, which includes coffee or tea on arrival, participation in the full programme and a buffet lunch. (Please inform Patsy, at the time of application, if any of your group have special dietary requirements or allergies.) Application for the whole Group (max 15 players per U3A) may be made on the appropriate form. Applications for individuals (if
at a later date.
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